The Sizewell B Dry Fuel Store (DFS) project is the first of a kind activity in the United Kingdom to move irradiated fuel into dry storage containers, for long term safe storage on the nuclear power plant site. Radiation protection is at the heart of safety on the project. To ensure ionising radiation exposure remains As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA), comprehensive radiation dose assessment in a complex gamma and neutron field is being performed during cask loading and movement.
Gamma and neutron electronic dosemeters attached to broadcasting ‘teledosimetry’ adapters as well as passive thermal and fast neutron badges will be worn by fuel cask team members. The ‘teledosimetry’ units will enable up to the minute dose tracking and control when combined with communications headsets and closed circuit television cameras. The dosimetry vest supplied by Unitech enables the fuel cask team members to safely wear the electronic and passive dosemeters in work areas underneath contamination controlled area clothing.
Dosimetry Vest