Environmental Policy Statement
UniTech will conduct its business in an environmentally sound manner, efficiently and effectively complying with the letter, spirit and intent of applicable environmental statutes, regulations and standards. UniTech is committed to pollution prevention and to continuously improving a workplace that is environmentally safe for our employees, customers and community.
Gunter Bruckner Vice President UniTech Services Group Europe
Solar Panels at UK Site
The solar panels were installed at the UK plant in 2016 and have made a saving of over £12,000.00 a year and showing that Unitech takes seriously its responsibilities to the environment.
Meet Key Environmental Goals and Save Money
What’s important to your nuclear facility?
Increasingly, environmental goals, including reducing carbon emissions and footprint, are important to customers, regulators, shareholders, and influentials – and therefore, are important to you.
UniTech goes the extra mile to assure that our customers meet their environmental objectives – and that they meet their other “green” goal as well as saving money.
Comparative LCA of Protective Garments
UniTech Services Group commissioned PE International, a global leader in sustainability performance solutions, to conduct an independent comparison of the environmental performance of UniTech’s reusable protective clothing set with a disposable garment set
The study compared the cradle-to-grave impacts of two garment sets used for low level radioactive particulate contamination protection and contamination control. It measured specific areas of impact including global warming potential, acidification smog formation, ozone depletion, and other potential areas of impact.
UniTech’s reusable garments had remarkably less impact in all categories measured, with the most significant (five-fold or more) differences being in global warming potential, smog and primary energy demand.
If you want to read the full report click here.
UniTech having seen the benefit of solar panels installed in 2014 commissioned the Logical Group to adopt the existing system and expand the capacity to 205kWp which will generate 204MWh per year giving a saving of 40 Tonnes of CO2 emissions equivalent to 1811 trees every year. UniTech environmental and upgrade plans are driven by environmental goals to cut our overall emissions and environmental impact.